Sunday Morning Service
Bible Study Time - 9:30 AM
Morning Worship Service - 10:30 AM
Wednesday Evening
Questions & Answers - 5:30 PM
Welcome to the Bradbury Church of Christ website, we are a small Christian Church in the valley of Bradbury  one of the world-wide non-denominational Churches of Christ & Christian Churches. There are several thousand congregations in the United States, with approximately one and a half million members devoted to the ideal of restoring the simple Christianity of the New Testament times.

The terms of admission into membership are those revealed within the pages of the New Testament. We have merely accepted the plan of Jesus and refrain from adding to it or taking from it. Believers in Christ are baptized by immersion and become members if desired. Immersed believers from other communities or Churches are accepted by transfer to become members. Believers who have never been immersed are required to obey the command of Jesus.

In memory of our Lord, we celebrate the Lord's Supper each week as they did in the New Testament Church. In all things we seek to follow the teachings of the New Testament concerning the Church. That is why we say, "Where the Scriptures speak, we speak; where the Scriptures are silent, we are silent." We want to minister to you and your family, so feel free to share in any of our services and ask or seek answers to any questions you may have by contacting the Minister, Officers or members.
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